NEWCASTLE. A very rare George II Rococo Creamboat made in Newcastle circa 1755 by John Kirkup.

NEWCASTLE. A very rare George II Rococo Creamboat made in Newcastle circa 1755 by John Kirkup.



The main body stands on three claw and ball feet, which are attached to the main body with very unusual foliate mouldings.  The baluster shaped sides rise to a shaped rim and pronounced pouring spout.  Most interestingly the scroll handle is modelled as two entwined serpents, with textured surface to simulate the snake's skin.  The side is engraved with a contemporary Crest and the base with a set of contemporary marriage initials.  The base also displays the set of hallmarks.  

As you will appreciate, these small Rococo creamboats are rare from Newcastle, however they usually have dolphin handles.  This is the first time we have seen one with a double serpent handle and the unusual foliate mouldings where the feet are attached to the main body.  This piece is in quite excellent condition and has a very good colour.

Length: 4.9 inches, 12.25 cm.

Width: 2.6 inches, 6.5 cm.

Height, to the top of the handle: 3.3 inches, 8.25 cm.

Weight: 4 oz.