A very fine George IV "Coburg" Pattern Serving Fork made in London in 1828 by Thomas Savory.

A very fine George IV "Coburg" Pattern Serving Fork made in London in 1828 by Thomas Savory.


This outstanding Serving Fork is modelled in the Coburg Pattern which is double Struck, being both on the front and the back.   Coburg Pattern was designed for Rundell, Bridge and Rundell in about 1810 and was made by Paul Storr and is the pattern which he best known for.  The end displays five tines, the end one being shaped for cutting more efficiently.  This piece has an oyster back at the fork end and is engraved with a contemporary Crest at the top of the stem.  This piece is in outstanding condition and is of an exceptional weight.  

Length: 11.75 inches, 29.38 cm.

Length of the fork end: 2.5 inches, 6.25 cm.

Weight: 11oz.