Hester Bateman. A rare George III Salad Fork made in London in 1788 by Hester Bateman.

Hester Bateman. A rare George III Salad Fork made in London in 1788 by Hester Bateman.


The Fork is modelled in the Old English pattern and has a wide end with seven tines.  This piece is made of a good gauge of silver and is engraved at the top of the stem with a particularly unusual, and finely executed, contemporary Crest.  The Fork is in excellent condition and is very well marked on the reverse.  These long forks first appeared in Ireland for serving potatoes and them appeared in England from the 1770's and were termed salad forks, however we are sure that they were used for serving a variety of things on the dining table.

Length: 11.9 inches, 29.75 cm.

Width, across the tines: 2 inches, 5cm.

Weight: 5oz.